Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Projects a Plenty

I am a terrible blogger!  I love reading everyone's blogs and I count on those that update everyday but, I just can't seem to get in the groove to figure out how they complete projects, have beautiful homes and children, complete fantastic project after project, and stay sane so....for now I am completing projects, making sure everyone in my house has clean clothes, gets to and from school on time, is well fed, and otherwise trying to come up with a plan to make life a little less chaotic!  Hhhmmm....still working on that one!

Here are a few recent projects:

So, there are some other small projects I may not have included but, this gives you idea of some of the things going on around here! 

Maybe one of these days I'll be a better blogger but for today......just know I'm thinking of you all!  Thanks!

I hope you have a great day!


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