It need a new foot and a little bit of work here and there, but otherwise it was solid and obviously handmade. It is one of those tables that makes me wonder who built it and what was it's original purpose.....
Anyway, Meg cut the new foot out of some scrap lumber leftover from a pitching mound project and I sanded, filled a few little knicks with some wood putty and it was ready for paint. I painted it the same dijon yellow Ooops! paint as I did on the desk (HERE) and then dry brushed some creamy white all over it. I sanded it again to give it an aged looked, glazed it with a very light antiquing glaze, and then buffed the whole things with paste wax. I wanted it protected and smooth for use but, I did not want the shine of a poly coat.
When it was all said and done, Meg admitted she likes it but just couldn't see it before! This is one of those projects that some will love and others won't but....I, for one, am on the love side! If I lived in a great big house this would be perfect in so many places but instead it must go to the booth for someone else!
Do you have or see those pieces and you wonder who had them before and where they were used?
Have a great Monday!