Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Our new booth...Before and After!

We are finally moved in and  I LOVE our new location!  

There was nothing I didn't like about our other booth but, we just needed more space.  When we started looking for something new the choices were a larger booth in a wide open room or a separate room off to the side.  We debated, weighed the pros and cons, stopped customers and asked for opinions, and ultimately chose to go with the room.  The biggest challenge, we think, will be to get people to come through the door to even look!  We immediately set out trying to make it look more appealing and like our own little store front without spending too much time or money up front.  Quite a challenge based on what we had to work with!

After the first day of moving, it was amazing how much room we had and how naked it looked!!

We went back with more the next day and then again the next!

This is what we look like right now.  There are still changes we would like to make and more we would like to add but, we are very happy with how far we have come!

We hung some old windows (roadside finds) and shutters (Habitat for Humanity Restore) to try to hide the ugly two-by-four framing.

We also hung some curtains inside to disguise the multi-colored/paneled walls.  


Anytime you're in Huntsville, please come see us!



  1. I bet you'll do great in your new store "room!"

  2. Unbelievable Lisa! I am literally astonished at the transformation from what you had to work with. Looks cozy enough to live there!

    Take care
